Welcome to EQRecipes, the web site that helps you find out what recipes you could learn to get to 350 in a specific tradeskill !
Contact : eqrecipes@free.fr or ;tell antonius.Drewie - Useful links
Alternate address : http://eqrecipes.free.fr

Recipe file(s) :
Display as :
Instructions :
1) inside EverQuest, type /outputfile recipes <tradeskill>
2) click the Browse button and select the file <character_server>-<tradeskill>-Recipes.txt in your EQ folder
3) click the Upload button and see a list of all recipes you haven't learned yet, they will help you get to 350.
4) for each recipe, you can find its detail on EQTraders or Zam. Good luck !

Valid values for <tradeskill> are : Alchemy - Baking - Blacksmithing - Brewing - Fishing - Fletching - Jewelcrafting - Poisonmaking - Pottery - Research - Tailoring - Tinkering
Note : Poisonmaking produces a "Make Poison-Recipes.txt" file

Total number of recipes / Estimated required number of recipes to get to 350 :
Alchemy : 625 total, 562 required
Baking : 797 total, 698 required
Blacksmithing : 2290 total, 1939 required
Brewing : 374 total, 302 required
Fishing : 165 total, 122 required
Fletching : 1041 total, 876 required
Jewelcrafting : 1548 total, 1279 required
Poisonmaking : 714 total, 543 required
Pottery : 2227 total, 2014 required
Research : 4129 total, 2570 required
Tailoring : 2340 total, 2078 required
Tinkering : 866 total, 791 required

Basic use : submit 1 or more Recipes.txt files and it will display all the recipes you're still missing, with a link to each recipe on EQTraders.

Advanced use : submit 1 or more Recipes.txt and Inventory.txt files (also works with GuildBank.txt and RealEstate.txt), and it will display up to 500 of the recipes you're still missing for which you have at least 1 required component that's not just bought from a merchant. For example, if you're missing the baking Vegetable Oil recipe, it will show it if you have at least 1 Vegetables in inventory, and won't take into account any Water Flask in inventory that you could buy from a merchant anyway.